Sunday, November 7, 2010


i took the cone grid that we made in class, and i made the cones change color with respect to their position on the grid.

i tried to have them change with respect to an attractor point, but settled on using the grid variable...attractor point sometime in the future, perhaps.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

point grid surface

I used the parametric point diagrid to create a grid of lines across a surface. Please note that my grasshopper definition is much larger than necessary! I was having trouble inputting all of the curves to the same definition, and realized after expanding it that I was simply messing up the order.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tower Tutorial Part 02

Twisted tower w/ floor plates and hand rails.

Tower Tutorial Part 01

More tutorials from

"Don't make a twisting tower."

parametric walkway

I have been doing some tutorials to catch up after missing class this week. Here is a parametric walkway I made using a tutorial on

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

grasshopper: patterns and emergence

I used grasshopper in rhino to create some patterns and (hopefully) some emergent effects. Below are some screenshots of the file in rhino and grasshopper, and then some drawings I made in illustrator.